University of St. Thomas Anticipated Graduation May 2016 Concentration in Marketing Management and a minor in Economics GPA: 3.97/4.0
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland Academic Year 2011-2012 Concentration in Italian Philology with French and Latin
Wasie Foundation Academic Scholarship recipient Sept 2012
Beta Gamma Sigma Membership May 2014
Dean’s List Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015
Young Scholars Research Grant recipient March 2015
Marketing Department representative August 2015
Shutterfly Inc. Sept 2015-November 2015 Production Operations Lead Shakopee, MN
Managing and training a team of 20 people in high speed production areas. Overseeing team’s work to meet company’s efficiency and quality goals. Equipment operation and training
IHeartMedia Inc. May 2015-Present Street Team Member Minneapolis, MN
Representing various radio stations at large events like concerts and music festivals in Twin Cities area
Responsible for promotional efforts at on-site events including public relations, social media and contests
Human Life Alliance May 2015-August Graphic Design Intern Minneapolis, MN
Graphic design using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Adobe InDesign CS6; creating publications, posters, brochures, displays, billboards distributed around the world and their translation to foreign languages
ST. Thomas Activities and Recreation, University of St. Thomas June 2014-June 2015 Marketing Intern St. Paul, MN
Advertisement design using Adobe Photoshop CS5.5. Promoting events, using advertising techniques such as banners, flyers, posters and digital advertisements and social media
Event planning and managing promotional budget; coordination of the events (concerts, lectures, giveaways, trips etc.)
Polish Kitesurfing Championship- Firmus Kite Cup August 2014 Social Media Promoter and Office Assistant Mielno, Poland
Promoted the national event through social media and edited images needed for the advertisement.
Registered domestic and international participants, informed them about the procedures
International Education Center, University of St. Thomas September 2013 – June 2015 Front Desk Assistant St. Paul, MN
Coordination of the office, provided information about the programs, application procedures and international admissions
Meden-Inmed Professional Medical Engineering Ltd. July 2013 IT and Online Marketing Department Assistant Koszalin, Poland
Created brochures and sent newsletters. Inputted online information on company’s website using CMS administration panel
Added new products to company’s online shop in different languages with proper SEO meta tags and descriptions
Enriched description of existing products available in the online store based on acquired documentation
Posted on company Facebook and Google+ with positive interaction with users
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and TCE (Tax Counseling for the Elderly) Programs April 2014, April 2015
Adobe Creative Cloud, Corel Draw, MS Office, HTML, CSS, Google Analytics, Qualtrics, Sona Systems, IBM SPSS
Vice President of the Diversity in Business Club, American Marketing Association, Twin Cities Business Peer Network
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and TCE (Tax Counseling for the Elderly) Programs April 2014, April 2015
Polish (native), English (fluent), Italian, Czech, Slovak (conversational), Spanish, French, German, Latin (elementary)